
Stats for players. Lineups/Bench players, if available.


Last Update il y a 3 ans

Next tab on the game page is Lineups tab. In this tab you can see stats for players of each team. Player stats are based on domestic games.

If data is available you can see lineups coloured in blue and bench coloured in black. Also, formation(e.g. 4-2-2) is shown under each team name.

Stats available for each player: Lineups/Team total games (how many times player was in the first lineups from team toal games), minutes played, goals scored, yellow cards, red cards. 

You can always check what every stat means by clicking on the ? between team names.

Usually team lineups are available 30 min. up to 1h before game starts. You can receive notification when lineups are available for a favourite game through our mobile app (check Mobile App/Notifications).

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