Pre game stats


Last Update há 3 anos

When you click on a game in the feed, game page is opened. On the right side on desktop, in a new page on mobile.

On the top, between team names you can see details about country, league, score, minute and weather. If you hover/click on the weather icon, you can get more details about the weather.

If the game is not started the tab opened by default is the stats tab. In this tab you can go through all the stats available in the app.

By default stats shown are based on home games for local team and away games for visitor team and based on the number of last games that you chose in the settings (check Stats page/Settings category).

You can change all that through the buttons on top of the page. You can choose to see stats based on home games / away games / all games for a team (selected value is applied individual by team) . 

You can choose to see stats based on last 5 games / last 10 games / all games (selected value is applied for both teams).

For percent stats, stats in green boxes represents stats with a percent grater or equal than 75% and stats in red boxes represents stats with a percent lower or equal than 25%.

For avg. stats, stats in green boxes represents stats with a grater value than opponent and stats in red boxes represents stats with a grater value than the opponent, but for negative stats like (avg. goals concedeed).

Available stats


Games played






avg_goals - Average game goals

avg_goals_scored - Average goals scored

goals_scored - Goals scored

avg_goals_concedeed - Average goals concedeed

goals_concedeed - Goals concedeed

clean_sheet - Clean sheet

failed_to_score - Failed to score

o15_team - Over 1.5 team goals

o15_team_against - Over 1.5 team goals against

btts - Both teams to score

btts_o25 - Both teams to score & over 2.5 game goals

o05 - Over 0.5 game goals

o15 - Over 1.5 game goals

o25 - Over 2.5 game goals

o35 - Over 3.5 game goals

o45 - Over 4.5 game goals

goals_30_ht - Goals 30'-HT

goals_75_ft - Goals 75'-FT


avg_goals_fh - Average game goals first half

avg_goals_scored_fh - Average goals scored first half

goals_scored_fh - Goals scored first half

avg_goals_concedeed_fh - Average goals concedeed first half

goals_concedeed_fh - Goals concedeed FH

clean_sheet_fh - Clean sheet first half

failed_to_score_fh - Failed to score first half

btts_fh - Both teams to score first half

o05_fh - Over 0.5 game goals first half

o15_fh - Over 1.5 game goals first half


avg_goals_sh - Average game goals second half

avg_goals_scored_sh - Average goals scored second half

goals_scored_sh - Goals scored second half

avg_goals_concedeed_sh - Average goals concedeed second half

goals_concedeed_sh - Goals concedeed second half

clean_sheet_sh - Clean sheet second half

failed_to_score_sh - Failed to score second half

btts_sh - Both teams to score second half

o05_sh - Over 0.5 game goals second half

o15_sh - Over 1.5 game goals second half


avg_corners - Average game corners

o75_corners - Over 7.5 game corners

o85_corners - Over 8.5 game corners

o95_corners - Over 9.5 game corners

o105_corners - Over 10.5 game corners

avg_corners_fh - Average game corners first half

o25_corners_ht - Over 2.5 game corners first half

o35_corners_ht - Over 3.5 game corners first half

o45_corners_ht - Over 4.5 game corners first half

avg_corners_sh - Average game corners second half

o25_corners_sh - Over 2.5 game corners second half

o35_corners_sh - Over 3.5 game corners second half

o45_corners_sh - Over 4.5 game corners second half

corners_0_10 - Corners 0'-10'

corners_35_ht - Corners 35'-HT

corners_80_ft - Corners 80'-FT


avg_team_corners_for - Average corners for team

avg_team_corners_against - Average corners against team

o35_corners_team - Over 3.5 team corners

o45_corners_team - Over 4.5 team corners

o55_corners_team - Over 5.5 team corners

o05_corners_team_ht - Over 0.5 team corners first half

o15_corners_team_ht - Over 1.5 team corners first half

o25_corners_team_ht - Over 2.5 team corners first half

o35_corners_team_ht - Over 3.5 team corners first half

o05_corners_team_sh - Over 0.5 team corners second half

o15_corners_team_sh - Over 1.5 team corners second half

o25_corners_team_sh - Over 2.5 team corners second half

o35_corners_team_sh - Over 3.5 team corners second half


avg_cards - Average game yellow cards

o15_cards - Over 1.5 game yellow cards

o25_cards - Over 2.5 game yellow cards

o35_cards - Over 3.5 game yellow cards

o45_cards - Over 4.5 game yellow cards

avg_cards_fh - Average game yellow cards first half

o05_cards_ht - Over 0.5 game yellow cards first half

o15_cards_ht - Over 1.5 game yellow cards first half

o25_cards_ht - Over 2.5 game yellow cards first half

avg_cards_sh - Average game yellow cards second half

o05_cards_sh - Over 0.5 game yellow cards second half

o15_cards_sh - Over 1.5 game yellow cards second half

o25_cards_sh - Over 2.5 game yellow cards second half


avg_team_cards_for - Average yellow cards for team

avg_team_cards_against - Average yellow cards against team

o05_cards_team - Over 0.5 team yellow cards

o15_cards_team - Over 1.5 team yellow cards

o25_cards_team - Over 2.5 team yellow cards

o05_cards_team_ht - Over 0.5 team yellow cards first half

o15_cards_team_ht - Over 1.5 team yellow cards first half

o05_cards_team_sh - Over 0.5 team yellow cards second half

o15_cards_team_sh - Over 1.5 team yellow cards second half

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