Tracking alerts


Last Update há 2 anos

Every alert sent from Global Alerts or Individual Alerts is saved on your account and you can see it any time.

You can see your past alerts on Tracking page (More -> Tracking section on bottom nav bar in mobile app)

Global Alerts

Before tracking, you need to have global alerts created and, of course, sent to your device. Check Create alerts for any game section to see how you create global alerts.

  1. Select 'Global alerts' on top of the page
  2. Select the filter that you want to see sent alerts for (second row in above image)
  3. Optional. Select the version of the filter. Every time when you update a filter, a new version is created and you will see it in this page (third row in above image)
  4. For each sent alert you can choose Win / Lost / Void - Click on the desired result. Void is not taken into account in total and win percentage calculation
  5. Total and win percentage are updated after every alert is marked as Win / Lost

* You can go on the game page if you click on the score

* For each sent alert you can see the minute of the game when the alert was sent and the date/time when the alert was sent

Individual Alerts

Check Set alert for live odds & live stats section to see how you create global alerts.

  1. Select 'Individual alerts' on top of the page
  2. For each sent alert you can choose Win / Lost / Void - Click on the desired result. Void is not taken into account in total and win percentage calculation
  3. Total and win percentage are updated after every alert is marked as Win / Lost

* You can go on the game page if you click on the score

* For each sent alert you can see the minute of the game when the alert was sent and the date/time when the alert was sent

Download alerts tracking

You can download all alerts as an .xlsx file. This can be done from the green 'Download' button both from Global alerts and Individual alerts.

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