Create feed


Last Update hace 3 años

Go to Feeds page (More -> Feeds section on bottom nav bar in mobile app) and click on the blue 'New feed' button on top of the page.

Feed is created from 10 boxes(stats) and you can customise it as you wish. Box 1 will be first stat starting left in the feed on the main page, box 10 will be the last one. First 4 boxes will be available in the main feed on mobile, you will have to scroll left to see the other boxes.

Give a name to your feed in the 'Feed name' input on top of the page.

Each box has a dropdown with all stats to choose from. You can fill between 0 and all 10 boxes for a feed.

Click on the blue 'Save' button on the bottom of the page.

Check the video below to see how to create a feed, mark it as default and see it in stats page:

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